In order to improve traffic flow during the back to school rush the Ministry of Public Works through the New Providence Road Improvement Project has…
An armed robbery suspect was fatally shot by police after he allegedly pulled a knife on an officer after being chased.
In another example of selective law enforcement in the Bahamas, an unlicensed travel agent who ripped-off dozens of customers is being shown leniency because she…
Although there are many unanswered questions surrounding the case (ie: why did the cop’s gun go ‘missing?’). No doubt these guys will get off on…
Ignorant magistrate gives crooked cop a light sentence because of his “service to the community”, which apparently consisted mainly of using his privileged position as…
Police have arrested four men in connection with the recent break-ins at government buildings.
One hundred and forty-nine rogue cops have been removed from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) in the first seven months of this year.
A comprehensive review of the Royal Bahamas Police Force Reserves will be undertaken to ensure that the reserve force continues to act in the best…
A GUNMAN who opened fire on a crowd of people was shot dead by police early yesterday morning. The drama took place shortly after midnight…