The Delta Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Sigma) officially adopted Oakes Field Primary school and agreed to assist with school’s traditional…
As part of the institution’s 40th anniversary celebrations, the Counselling and Health Services Department of the College of The Bahamas is expanding the scope of…
Family Guardian Insurance Company has stepped in with a $500 cheque to assist The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) with a 16-week General Maintenance…
As part of ongoing efforts to increase the number of qualified workers in the industry, The Air Conditioning Depot (commonly known as AC Depot), along…
The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) is now a semi-autonomous body with a nine-member Board, announced Minister of Education, Science and Technology Jerome Fitzgerald…
I read with great interest, an article entitled ‘Tuned in to reading’ which explained an award winning melodic learning program that was successfully used as…
The Rotary Club of West Nassau recently made a donation to the Stapledon School for the Mentally Challenged.
Select students in Grand Bahama will have an extra school day when they return to class in January — and no one is complaining.
About 50 electricians and electrical engineers gained invaluable information during a one-day seminar on the Canadian Electrical Code Part I, the electrical code adopted by…