The information below pertains to the 2003 contest. We will updating the information as we get closer to the date of the Call for Entries for next year's Bahamas Web Awards - 2004. Click here to subscribe to the Web Awards mailing list for information on the 2004 Call for Entries. What is The Bahamas Web Awards?The Bahamas Web Awards honor Web sites that excel at achieving their goals.
These awards highlight the people and companies using the Web most effectively
as a mature and critical business or communications tool. We honor the
groundbreakers that set the standards for the industry and serve as role models
for the best in the Bahamas Web industry.
How long have The Bahamas Web Awards been honoring excellence on the Internet?The Bahamas Web Awards is entering it's second year, with a mission to honor sites that the average user goes to daily for information, entertainment, community, products and services.
Why the Call for Entries?To honor the Bahamas' best on the Web, we need to examine more than just the site itself. We need to understand the site’s objective and strategic approach; how it is innovative; what resources were available to the developers; and how it has shown success. Thus the Call for Entries process enables us to gather information beyond what is merely visible on the site. It also dictates that only those sites that enter through the formal Call for Entries process can be considered.
When is the Call for Entries? What are the deadlines?The deadline has expired for the 2003 contest. The Call for Entries for the Second Annual Bahamas Web Awards will begin Monday, March 1, 2004 and continue through midnight, Friday May 28, 2003.
When are nominees announced?Nominees for the First Annual Bahamas Web Awards have been announced. You may vote in the People's Choice component of the contest until August 15, 2003. Awards will be announced at the Gala Awards Ceremony, September 18 at the British Colonial Hilton, Nassau. Sign up for our newsletter, to stay on top of Web Awards news and information.
When are winners announced?Winners for the Bahamas Web Awards will be announced at a Gala Awards Ceremony to be held at the fabulous British Colonial Hilton, September 18, 2003. All are welcome. We intend on making the night a tribute to the Bahamian Internet industry. Sign up for our newsletter, to stay on top of announcements of exact dates. Review & Judging Process
How does the judging process work?A team of reviewers will initially disqualify any submissions that are
incomplete or representative of sites that contain illicit material or engage in
illegal activity.
Who judges the Web sites?Sites are reviewed by qualified persons carefully selected by the Bahamas B2B Advisory Council. They are both Bahamian and foreigners who are acclaimed artists, business persons or Internet professionals with extensive expertise in online business and marketing, or relevant industries – i.e. those industries represented by the awards categories. Please see the Judges page for information on the judges for the 2003 contest. Judges must excuse themselves from voting for any Web sites which they have had any personal or professional affiliation; they are prohibited from reviewing any of those sites. Judges examine sites according to The Bahamas Web Awards judging criteria and The Bahamas Web Awards regularly inspects their reviews for fairness and accuracy.
When is my site initially reviewed?A site may be reviewed anytime after entry, and no later than the beginning of deliberation by the panel of judges.
When is my site actually judged?Judging will take place in July 2003, after the final deadline for Call for Entries expires. The People's Choice voting will begin July 1, 2003 and run until August 15, 2003. Vote here.
On what criteria are the Bahamas Web Awards judged?The Bahamas Web Awards are judged based on strategic criteria (objective, innovation, market situation, resources, success) and creative criteria (content, structure & navigation, visual design/branding, functionality, interactivity). Consult criteria definitions.
Are the sites submitted through The Call for Entries the only ones eligible for nomination?Only sites submitted for The Bahamas Web Awards through the Call for Entries procedure are eligible for consideration, as evaluation requires a strategic brief submitted by a representative of the site. Entry & EligibilityGeneral Eligibility
May sponsors of The Bahamas Web Awards submit their sites?Sponsors of The Bahamas Web Awards may submit their own Web sites. The judging process ensures that such sites receive no special treatment.
Are non-English language sites eligible?While non-English speaking Web sites are not explicitly ineligible, answers to questions posed in the “strategic brief” must be submitted in English and sites will be evaluated by our predominantly English-speaking judges.
Are Flash® sites eligible?Yes, sites made using Flash or containing Flash elements are eligible.
What types of content would make a site ineligible?Ineligible sites are those that contain illegal materials or engage in illegal activities.
Who wins the actual Bahamas Web Award?Except for the Designer's and Programmers Awards (which go to the Web Designer and Programmer respectively) the actual award is given to the owner of the site or their authorized representative. Additional parties may be credited for the design or development of the site. All credits will be authorized with the official contact before they are released. Categories
What categories are available for entry?There are 4 Bahamas Web Awards categories: Tourism Related, non-Tourism Related, Personal Pages and Amateur Designed Pages. The 2004 contest will have additional categories.
May I submit my site in multiple categories?Yes! You may submit your site in multiple categories, provided they are all applicable to your site. Note that you must submit a separate entry form for each category.
How can I determine to which category I should submit my site?To determine what category(ies) your site is best suited for, read the category definitions. Still unsure? Send an email with the URL of the site in question and a very brief description to We will review and reply with a list of categories where your site would most aptly compete. Password and Pay Sites
Can password protected sites be submitted?Yes. Password protected sites are eligible as long as entrants provide a
working username and password for reviewers and judging officials. All usernames
and passwords will be kept secure and completely confidential. Judges will
agree to signing a non-disclosure agreement for password protected sites if the
site owner requests it.
Can password protected sites that charge a fee for service be submitted?Yes. Pay Sites that are protected by passwords may submit as long as entrants provided a working username and password for the free-evaluation by reviewers and judging officials.
We have a free password protected area - can we provide a password to your judges?Yes. Please submit a working username and password for use by reviewers and judging officials for the evaluation of your entry. Eligibility Dates
Are only sites launched in the last year eligible?No. A site could have been launched any time – even 5 years ago. However, the initiative described in the strategic brief (e.g. redesign, promotional campaign, technical upgrade) must have been completed in the last year (12 months).
When must a site be live in order to be eligible?For the 2004 contest, a site and the initiative described in the strategic brief must be live between the day it is submitted and June 1st, 2004.
My site is launching next month - can I submit it now?Sites are eligible for review at any time after they are submitted. Sites that are not live should not be submitted until they have been launched. In the event that a site or initiative does not launch until after The Call for Entries concludes, no special considerations or arrangements can be made to ensure that the site is only reviewed once its live. Billing & Security
How much does it cost to enter?The first year, the cost to enter was nothing, zero, nada, zip. There was no charge for entry. Boy, did we learn a lesson. :-) Now that we know how much time and money it takes to produce a quality contest, we will be forced to charge a nominal fee for entering the 2004 competition. This will allow us to create an even better contest, to everyone's benefit.
Do sites have to enter to win?Yes. Sites must be submitted through the Call for Entries to be guaranteed review and consideration by The Bahamas Web Awards. Is my information confidential?Yes. We understand that entrants will be submitting sensitive and classified materials. For this reason, all information will be kept secure and completely confidential. Information will only be shared with reviewers, judging panels, and if necessary Bahamas Web Award officials. Judges, reviewers and Web Award officials involved will be required to sign an Non Disclosure Agreement, and Judges will be instructed to only discuss the contents of an entry among other judges in their group. Review our confidentiality policy. Who should I contact if I need further help?If you have any questions or concerns about your entry please send an email to You will receive a confirmation from us via email within 1 business day of receipt of your email. The Bahamas Web Awards Sponsorship OpportunitiesFor sponsorship information please see our Sponsorship
Opportunities page or email: