Your Business... By Email
Email - the Internet's most powerful application is now a dominant application for
interactive marketing.

Email changed communications. It sells, promotes, brands, informs, reminds and creates buzz. It's one of the most cost-effective of all marketing media.
E-mail can be used in every step of the marketing process, from driving traffic and building brands, to customer service and marketing special offers."

What's Happening
The Bahamas Hotel
Association, in conjunction with BahamasB2B.com is holding a seminar entitled 'Growing Your Business... By
Date: Wednesday, November 27th, 2002
Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm
Place: The British Colonial Hilton Nassau, on Bay Street in Nassau
Leading Email and Marketing experts will show you how you can leverage the power
of Email - increasing site visitors, boosting sales and profitability. Even if you
don't have a Web site, there's still much you can do to boost your business using this oh-so-simple piece of technology.

Guest Speakers
Errol Bodie - Notes Specialist, IBM Bahamas
Andrew Pike - Owner, eMagine Bahamas
Duke Wells - Webmaster, BahamasB2B.com
Moderated by Lisa Wells of BahamasB2B

Main Topics
 | We値l look at what is spam and what痴 not.
 | How to avoid having your legitimate emails classed as spam and deleted before anyone has a chance to see them.
 | We値l delve into the secrets behind lists and list building - the pros and cons, the pitfalls and the risks - and how to avoid them.
 | We値l show you how to set up a permission-based or opt-in marketing system so that your messages are welcomed. (We値l even provide you with not only the "know-how" but also the tools to do it.)
 | Step by step, we値l show you to write an effective selling email.
 | We値l show you why Personalisation is so important.
 | The power of newsletters - how to get subscribers, content creation - DIY (do it yourself) or is there a better way?
 | Boost your sales - both the frequency and average value.
 | Multiply your profit.
 | Smooth your cash flow - using email.
 | Dozens more practical tips, strategies, problems to avoid, etc.
* Seminar Agenda is subject to change.

Who should attend
this seminar?
Small business persons
or without
an existing Web site |
Real Estate agents |
Service Professionals |
Employees interested in increasing productivity |
 | Company executives who are considering an
Internet presence |
Small Hotel Operators |
Entrepreneurs who are planning on launching a business |
Employees who want to learn more about using their company's
to improve the efficiency of their own operations |
Tourism industry professionals |
Web Developers interested in
marketing for their clients |
IT Managers interested in integrating the company
and backend business processes |
Non profit groups looking to maximize their organisation's efforts |
Sales and marketing personel who want to take advantage of
to increase sales and improve customer service |
Students of business, marketing and management |
for BHA and BahamasB2B Members
for non-members
Price includes seminar materials and continental breakfast.
For more information, or to register, call Lisa Wells at 242-477-7478.

A Comprehensive Program For Business Growth
8:30am - 9:00am Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00am - 9:45am Who's Reading Your e-Mail?
Andrew Pike, Email Security Expert - eMagine Bahamas
Without the proper security features in place, any company, any Government department, any sensitive Doctor's office or confidential banking centre can be compromised, and e-mail is an especially vulnerable area.
For all businesses, especially for lawyers and bankers, it is especially important they protect incoming and outgoing mail from prying eyes, while safeguarding their client's information stored in mail folders.
Find out how a digital certificate can allow you to be secure in the knowledge that the person with whom you are communicating with is who they claim to be. Get a free digital certificate from eMagine just for attending our seminar.
9:45am - 10:30am Leveraging Email and Collaboration for Business Success: A Domino Value Proposition
By Errol Bodie, Notes Specialist - IBM Bahamas
IBM's Lotus Domino provides an ideal environment for hosting your organization's Email and Collaboration solutions. It offers superior collaboration, replication and security; advantages over other platforms in terms of employee productivity; and allows organizations to protect investments in existing hardware and software.
Leveraging Email and Collaboration using Domino results in a faster return on investment and overall lower total cost of ownership, making it a platform that should not be overlooked when evaluating Email and Collaboration solutions.
10:30am - 10:45am Morning Refreshment Break
10:45am - 11:30am Growing Your Business... By Email
By Duke Wells, Webmaster - BahamasB2B.com
We'll look at what is spam and what's not. How to avoid having your legitimate Emails classed as spam and deleted before anyone has a chance to see them.
We'll delve into the secrets behind lists and list building - the pros and cons, the pitfalls and the risks - and how to avoid them.
Many marketing messages are lost in the background "marketing noise" that surrounds us all. We'll show you how to set up a permission-based or opt-in marketing system so that your messages are welcomed. (We'll even provide you with not only the "know-how" but also the tools to do it.)
Step by step, we'll show you how to write an effective selling Email.
Personalisation - mail merge (for your letters) has been commonplace since the 80s. You are already in the Internet dark ages if your are not personalising your Emails. We'll show you why it's so important.
The power of newsletters - how to get subscribers, content creation - DIY (do it yourself) or is there a better way?
Boost your sales - both the frequency and average value. Multiply your profit. Smooth your cash flow - using Email. And dozens more practical tips, strategies, problems to avoid, etc.
Get a free "goodie bag" with valuable printed information and a floppy disk filled with links, Web pages and resources that will help you grow your business... by Email.
11:30am - 12:00pm Successful Case Studies
During this session we will examine a few successful companies and hear of true tales from people in various industries who are benefitting from the techniques we have discussed.
12:00pm - 12:30pm Questions & Answers
Moderated by Lisa Wells, President - BahamasB2B Ltd.
We'll take this last session to answer specific questions you may have about the technology or solutions discussed earlier. Plus we'll cover must-know tips and basic information for those just moving onto the Internet. Come with your questions!
* seminar agenda subject to change if necessary
This seminar is being produced by:
more information, email us seminar@bahamasb2b.com